The garden of forking memes: how digital media distorts our sense of time Aaron Z. Lewis How did the internet disrupt 20th century timekeeping systems and spark an insurgence of alternative historical narratives? How do old media institutions try (and fail) to keep up with the narratives of online subcultures? How does the immediate accessibility of so many alt histories undermine our ability to create shared visions of the future? And how might a more ecological awareness of the internet help us adapt to our disorienting digital time machines? How did the internet disrupt 20th century timekeeping systems and spark an insurgence of alternative historical narratives? How do old media institutions try (and fail) to keep up with the narratives of online subcultures? How does the immediate accessibility of so many alt histories undermine our ability to create shared visions of the future? And how might a more ecological awareness of the internet help us adapt to our disorienting digital time machines?
Quitting the Internet with David Yoon HQ Stories In a world where we spend so much of time online, Sunday Times bestselling author David Yoon writes about why he gave up social media and the internet and what happened next…
The Politics of Pure Affiliation Has Driven Everyone Absolutely Insane Freddie deBoer It’s hard to write about this without sound pious, but probably the most elementary political ideal I have is that principle has to come before affiliation.
You Can't Buy An "Authentic Self" Freya India There’s a vanity to even thinking there is a self to be found
Ursula K. Le Guin on Anger Maria Popova "Anger continued on past its usefulness becomes unjust, then dangerous… It fuels not positive activism but regression, obsession, vengeance, self-righteousness. Corrosive, it feeds off …"
Not Getting Radicalized is a Radical Act blueshiftofdeath Putting aside theoretical analysis (from my previous post, on how social networks are not communities) for a moment: on a practical, surface level, so much of what's ruined (most) social media for me comes down to the polarization problem...
how to avoid half-heartedness bookbear express A few nights ago a friend and I were talking about the moment when someone shows you their texts with their crush and asks you to analyze it with them, i.e. “Do you think that he/she likes me?” I always offer the best analysis I can because I believe it is a sacred duty to indulge your friends’ paranoia (and also I have so, so been there and appreciate people who’ve helped me neurotically analyze meaningless exchanges)...