
my buttons


you are currently viewing the mobile version of my site, where some features are hidden. please view on desktop for the full experience!
  • replace old chatbox with new service
  • create yakuza shrine
  • create vegan page
  • add toggle button for falling leaves animation
  • prevent gif/animation autoplay when user prefers reduced motion
  • create site building page for my resources site
  • make an rss feed
  • work on optimizing the site to be more accessible and load faster (maybe minimize javascript/jquery use, compress some images)
  • create code snippets page; share snippets for draggable and collapsible windows and ds pictochat-like changelog/microblog
  • add mobile support for about page
  • write about gaming history and console collection
  • get microblog ready for public release
  • add image gallery for my favorite video games, other media, and characters
  • join some webrings and figure out where to put them
  • add dark mode support
  • add diary section

OTF yakuza
C:\images\buttons and sites i like\